This app is a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator.
It is very simple, in that it asks for input of height and weight, and displays the calculated value for BMI.
It does not measure anything; it only displays the calculated BMI based on entered values.
I created this for my own practice, because I often need to calculate BMI, and do not want to have to take out and unlock my phone every time.
While it will certainly work for an individual to determine her own BMI, it is targeted at users (such as myself) who need to calculate BMI based on the measurements of multiple individuals.
It does report the CDC category of the BMI, but does not otherwise interpret any of the data. It does not store or collect any of the entered information.
You should know that BMI is only a reflection of height and weight; it does not assess body composition, or differentiate between fat and muscle.
Simply click on one of the buttons on the main screen to show a keyboard for entering the value.
WatchBMI can accept values in either the Metric or the Imperial system. Click the "M" button to change to metric, click the "I" button to change to imperial
If Imperial:
Click on "Pounds" to enter the weight in pounds.
Use the "Back" button to go back to the main screen.
Click on "Feet" to enter the feet part of height.
Click on "Inches" to enter the inches part of height.
If Metric:
Click on "Kilos:" to enter the weight in kilograms.
Click on "Cms: to enter the height in centimeters.
The app does not allow inches greater than 11, feet greater than 7, or weight greater than 999, with similar maximums in metric.
Once all three values have been entered, the main screen (again, click the "Back" button) to show the calculated BMI and the CDC category for that BMI.
When changing from Imperial to Metric or Metric to Imperial, the height and weight will change as well, so you can enter weight in kilograms and height in feet and inches.
Reference Information:
Information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information about BMI and its appropriate use at
BMI is a measure of weight relative to height.
According to CDC at : BMI is a quick, low-cost, and reliable screening measure for underweight, overweight, or obesity; BMI is a valuable population health measure used worldwide; for individuals, BMI should be considered with other factors, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and physical examination.
The CDC Adult BMI Categories are from
BMI and this app does not diagnose or treat any condition. The CDC BMI Categories calculated by this app are designed for adults 20 and older, and do not apply to children.
Check with your doctor before using this app or making any medical decisions based on BMI.